Where to Have a Baby Shower in Wichita

If you are planning a baby shower in Wichita, your first step is to figure out the venue! We have quite a few baby shower venue options in Wichita, ranging from small free spots all the way up to more pricy and coveted event spaces. Once you have determined your budget and the number of guests, you can move on to making a list of appropriate venues that are available on your chosen date. Here are some great ideas for where to have a baby shower in Wichita, ranging from lowest to highest priced.

Free Baby Shower Venues in Wichita

  • Local park - we have some wonderful parks in the area with plenty of green space, picnic tables, and covered eating areas. Sedgwick County Park is a popular one!

  • Milkfloat - just buy your drinks or treats there and you can bring your friends to sit at the tables.

  • Bella Luna Cafe - they have a party room in the back with a big table if you want to eat there!

  • Cocoa Dolce - bring your small group to get a treat and sit at the tables

Medium-priced Baby Shower Venues in Wichita

Upscale Baby Shower Venues in Wichita