Night Nanny or Postpartum Doula - Who Will Solve Your Sleep Problems?

Looking for a night nanny in Wichita so you can get caught up on some sleep? I think what you're looking for is a postpartum doula - and here's why!

Although there are not many night nannies and baby nurses in Wichita currently, their titles are a little more recognizable than postpartum doulas as of yet. However, what some people do not realize, is that nighttime baby nurses are not nurses at all. Additionally, these professionals also exist to care only for the baby, according to their opinions of how babies should be raised, and receive no special training on how to care for postpartum parents.

Postpartum doulas are different. We care for the entire family, making postpartum life a little easier on everyone involved. We have received hands-on, specialized training not only in all aspects of infant care, but in the normal physical and emotional recovery of the postpartum parent as well. We take the time to listen to the parents' goals and philosophies for their child, and work according to their desires. Let me tell you a little story...

"Once upon a time, a tired, happy new mother brought her newborn home from the hospital. She was tucked into bed at 10:00 PM, and fell into a deep sleep right away. She nursed her baby a few times during the night when she was hungry, and afterward immediately rolled over and went back to sleep. She woke at 7:00 AM and her coffee and toast was brought to her. After some good snuggles and a morning nursing session, she got up and showered and dressed knowing her baby was being rocked..."

It's not a fairy tale, it can be your reality. It's what an overnight postpartum doula does. We can help you, your partner, and your little ones get the rest you want and need so you can be fully functional, alert, and patient during the day.

We are also able to help you sleep train your older baby or toddler so your restless nights can come to an end.

We can't wait to be your family's solution for restful nights and peaceful days with a new baby. Call us today for the best expert overnight baby care in Wichita, KS.